Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Onward and Upward

First things first, I apologize for not being more consistent posting to my blog. The last week has been filled with getting acclimated to work flow, general surroundings, and, of course, diving head first into understanding C#.

More often than not, new error messages in Visual Studio cause my own brain to short-circuit; BUT, there are a couple things to bear in mind:

1. Google always has an answer--It may not be the one you're looking for but that's to be expected.
2. Peers always want to help as whatever question you may have will subsequently reinforce a colleagues understanding of the same material.

So keep calm, take a walk, and return to code. Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence.

I'll have more to report in the next couple days so future posts are pending.


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