"There's talking, there's reading, and then there's doing." -Nick Brittain
At this point we've been working our way through a number of different code processes. We've deployed classes, objects and methods in ASP.NET while also taking note on how to see the code interact with a SQL database. Between controllers, adapters, interfaces, data models etc., it can get to be a bit confusing on how each of these independent operators interact, not to mention, an order of operations by which we should build all of these parts. But before you get hung up on needing to understand that definition of each part as we implement them, it's more important to just do it(thanks Nike).
Write the code, write it again, and rebuild your project another time. Along the way, there's an unknown number of intellisense and/or build errors that will accumulate; but, that's the point. This has definitely been the most helpful way to understand how each component communicates to its corresponding 'partner in cybercrime.' The "Go To Definition" (a.k.a. the F12 wonder-child) function will be your best friend and will be the greatest tool in helping you connect the dots over the course of a project. Some may say, 'Hey, you're speaking in hyperbole considering that understanding English to begin with would be your greatest tool!' To the critics I would say speaking English really isn't a prerequisite for teaching yourself the basics of code operations.
After 2 weeks it seems quite apparent that persistence and an unquenchable thirst for learning are the back bones for understanding this new language.
Max, thanks for writing this in English. ; ) Not in code. More to come!